Planning on traveling with your horses this summer? Many facilities are requiring proof of vaccination and current Coggins test for horses to enter the property – even for smaller local or in-state events. Spring vaccination time is the perfect opportunity to get your Coggins. We can also provide you with a vaccination certificate to keep on hand
Thinking of breeding your mare?
Breeding season is right around the corner! Now is an excellent time to shop for stallions and finalize breeding contracts. SES offers breeding soundness evaluations, frozen and cooled semen breeding and much more. Contact our office to talk about breeding your mare.
Did you know…
We also offer digital x-ray, gastroscopy, upper airway endoscopy, dentistry, laser therapy, chiropractic, arthroscopy, acupuncture, ultrasound, in house blood work, full surgical suite, haul in and ambulatory services and much more!
February Dental Special
We will be offering our dental special for the month of February • 10% off dentistry • Excellent opportunity for annual Coggins and wellness exams We recommend that all horses have their teeth checked by a veterinarian at least one time annually. Horses typically need their teeth floated every 1-2 years. Very young and very old horses may require more frequent dentistry. We use state of the art power dental equipment and our doctors are well trained in the safe administration of sedation. The 10% discount applies to the dental only (not the farm/office call).
Dr. Martin’s schedule
Dr. Martin is still available for surgeries and referral cases on an as needed basis. Call our office if you would like to schedule an appointment with him.
We’ve gone paperless…
Sawtooth Equine has gone green! We are now emailing statements, discharge instructions, vaccination reminders and more. Sometimes the emails go to your junk box so keep an eye out! If you would like to update your email address, let us know at

Dr. Cara Wright to join SES
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Cara Wright will be joining the Sawtooth Equine team beginning April 1.
Dr. Cara Wright to join SES We are pleased to announce that Dr. Cara Wright will be joining the Sawtooth Equine team beginning April 1. Dr. Wright graduated from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 2009. She previously earned a Masters of Science in Animal Science (equine reproduction) from LSU as well as a BS in Animal Science from the University of Maryland. She grew up in the Washington, DC Metro area and fell in love with horses at her first riding lesson when she was 5 years old. Throughout high school and college, she participated in dressage and eventing, as well as swam competitively.
After veterinary school, Dr. Wright completed an internship in Ocala, FL, and then stayed in Florida to work in private practice.
Dr. Wright is currently completing the Options for Animals chiropractic course, and will be certified by the IVCA in February. Her interests include geriatric care, ophthalmology, wound healing, reproduction, and lameness. Outside of work, she enjoys cycling and competing in triathlons.

Client Education Seminar Equine First Aid
We will be hosting a client education seminar Monday, May 7 at 6pm in the Minnie Moore room at the Hailey Community Campus. Equine first aid is a topic that we get lots of questions on so we thought a refresher course at the beginning of the riding and hauling season would be helpful for our clients. We will cover basic physical exam parameters, most common equine emergencies, basic medications, and first aid kits.
We are now offering laser therapy Lasers?
For Horses? Yes, you read correctly! Laser therapy has been gaining popularity in small animal and equine medicine in recent years. The biochemical pathways that are activated by light allow for increased circulation and reduction of inflammation. In the equine patient, there are three major areas where laser is of great benefit:
- Accelerate rehabilitation and healing of common lameness disorders (tendon and suspensory injuries, osteoarthritis, back disorders, wound healing)
- Maintain performance
- Prevent the occurrence or recurrence of athletic injuries
- We are excited to offer this non-invasive therapy to our clients.
Please call us with questions or to schedule an appointment.