Sawtooth Equine Service is a full-service equine hospital located in the Wood River Valley of Idaho. In addition to serving our local population of horses we are able to offer elective surgeries on an as-needed bases.
Sawtooth Equine Service
708 N. Main St.
Bellevue, ID 83313
Phone: 208-788-1465
Fax: 406-285-6941
24-hour emergency services are always available to clients who utilize our non-emergency (routine wellness) services annually.
We are not currently seeing non-client emergencies.
Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
Sat-Sun: Emergency Only
Closed Daily from 12 pm until 1 pm
Winter Hours:
November- March (Daylight Savings Time to Daylight Savings Time)
Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm
Sat-Sun: Emergency Only